Someplace to stash my stuff
that WWIII may be just around the corner
Published on February 23, 2022 By starkers In Current Events

I think the title [and sub-title] pretty much explains it....and BTW, this is not a political post, but rather a sad look at world events.

I have been following the news on events regarding Russia's dealings with the Ukraine and it has me quite worried that a full scale invasion will trigger WWIII... and then there's the lunatic in the East showing aggression to Taiwan and other neighbours in Asia.

Frankly, these are not the best of times to be alive, what with these two crackpots who could bring destruction to the world as we know it.  There is nothing good about war... everyone eventually is a loser, not that these two crackpots care.  They will not back down because greed and the lust for greater power is inherently too stong in them both.  I mean, both are targetting countries for their industries and resources, so it's more about greed and power than it is about so-called historical ownership or self defence/peacekeeping, etc.

What do you think?  Are we heading into full-scale war or will there be last minute peace deals?

Comments (Page 5)
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on Mar 15, 2022


During the Vietnam conflict The U.S. bombed the hell out of North Vietnam.

I am not sure there are a lot of people in the US that have expressed support of what we did in Vietnam. The only war I know that is more unpopular then that one is Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


What if the West has to engage Russia in Nuclear war?

I am pretty sure setting up a no fly zone in support of Ukraine sovereignty is not nearly enough to start a nuclear war


What would China do if that happened? Would they join in?

I believe China is the Joker's card. A China-Russia axis is what we are trying to prevent. I am not sure we can predict how they will behave and perhaps that is the justification of not setting up a no fly zone.

on Mar 15, 2022 we lasted 1 and a 1/2 pages before it got in Republican vs Democrat [American] so sadly folks you now need to go to Joe User to continue.

I agree, trying to stay neutral here but there is flame bait for sure.

on Mar 15, 2022 we lasted 1 and a 1/2 pages before it got in Republican vs Democrat [American] so sadly folks you now need to go to Joe User to continue.
Are we there yet? Let's go Brandon!

on Mar 15, 2022

Last week I told my brother Russia will be wanting Alaska back before you know it. I was joking. Well guess what, they do.

All I can say is COME AND GET IT.

on Mar 16, 2022

Quoting Jafo, we lasted 1 and a 1/2 pages before it got in Republican vs Democrat [American] so sadly folks you now need to go to Joe User to continue.

Are we there yet? Let's go Brandon!

I'm through with this.

on Mar 16, 2022


Are we there yet? Let's go Brandon!

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

Stardock's Forum rules prohibit political discussion in all  sub-sections except 'Politics' itself.

To maintain decorum any such are relocated.

on Mar 16, 2022

Quoting BONEHEADdb,

Are we there yet? Let's go Brandon!

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

Stardock's Forum rules prohibit political discussion in all  sub-sections except 'Politics' itself.

To maintain decorum any such are relocated.

on Mar 16, 2022

I think we have gotten too deep into American issue's here. It is a snowball of one political slant hitting another and then snowballing out of control. God and Politics should remain a personal thing in my opinion. If you talk about them there is a definite chance someone will be offended and they run too deep to change anyone's mind on a forum like this. I do think there were some people genuinely interested and concerned about the Russian invasion.

on Mar 16, 2022

Fine...appropriate that it has been moved.

What could have been a thread voicing concerns for the continued existence of a sovereign country has devolved into childish commentary of parochial political dissent.

Here's a hint.  There is more to this world than just one country.

Stardock's 7.2 million users actually include people from all walks of life, and every country.

Show respect for the Op.

on Mar 16, 2022

I do think there were some people genuinely interested and concerned about the Russian invasion.

Yes indeed. You guys settle down now. Let's get back on topic.

Let's go back to post #64. What do you think about that?

on Mar 16, 2022


I do think there were some people genuinely interested and concerned about the Russian invasion.

Yes indeed. You guys settle down now. Let's get back on topic.

Let's go back to post #64. What do you think about that?

I definitely have to rub my eyes on that one because it seems soo much like a joke. But I do agree with you there. I would like to see them try and take it. That is not a war I see them winning at all.

I think Putin is running a terror campaign. He intends on scaring people. He wants people to be afraid of his nuclear weapons and he wants Europe, and now Alaska, to be afraid. I don't think we should let it work.

on Mar 16, 2022

To be clear Russia isn't threating to invade Alaska they say we should hand it over. lol

And there's more: 

Russia announced sanctions Tuesday against Americans including President Joe Biden, his scandal-scarred son Hunter Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

on Mar 16, 2022

So much for respecting Ukraine and their actual suffering.

Stay on topic or start your  own.


on Mar 16, 2022


Quoting naroon1,

either that be closing the sky's and coming into direct possible conflict with RF Air Force or bordering countries

I do not understand the hesitation of the no fly zone. Surely the west has a big enough lead over Russia in regards to air superiority that it would be more of a show of force.

The issue with closing the skies right now is a Putin thing. For many years the west has seen him as Stable leader, although one to make threats etc...  , right now he seems to have gone Rogue and if his back is against the wall , will he actually launch his Nuclear options, which as i am sure you will agree would change the world for the worst, no one wins in that situation, then it is a case of who remains the least of the losers. NATO would now prefer to have another leadership in the RF top job, someone who will not go Nuclear if they are losing.

on Mar 16, 2022


For many years the west has seen him as Stable leader

Interestingly Putin has never really been anything other then a mafia boss. Shortly after the the Soviet Union collapsed the Russian mafia pretty much took control. I don't think his invasion of Ukraine is a sudden snap of his sanity but rather an ongoing "thug" trait he has always carried. This was carefully crafted on his part and he spent years planning this invasion by cushioning the Russian reserve so he could withstand western sanctions. Putin has never been anything but rogue, he is just good at miss information and has played western leaders for years.

Putin is smart and I believe stable. But, he really did miscalculate on the resistance of Ukraine. Ukraine's president is definitely showing the same traits as Churchill and that is exactly what Europe needs right now. I stand with the resistance of Ukraine and simply hope that we are providing the actual support they need at this time.

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