Someplace to stash my stuff
starkers's Articles for September, 2014
September 21, 2014 by starkers
Yup, just like it says, I wish that those flaming idiots queuing for days on end to get an iPhone 6 would be charged with loitering or something and taken away under the vagrancy act. What's more, those bastages at Apple should have released it during Winter... so the twerps sleeping out overnight were freezing their tushes off and were more than grateful for a nice warm cell [with a toilet] to bunk down in. I figure it would save them alot of money as well, cos vagrancy is just a misd...
September 15, 2014 by starkers
I just spotted the linked item over at Majorgeeks, where spammers are using upside down text to fool spam filters. For mine, the only upside down spammers should be involved in/subjected to is being hung upside down by the gonads. BTW, the upside down text in the title isn't my work... credit goes to Majorgeeks for that.